Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Candy Corn Quilt

I hope that you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day weekend.  How nice that it stretched into the long President's weekend.

Not so nice for us here though.  We had an uninvited guest - the stomach flu.  So all of our planned treats for Friday evening were set aside for another time.

My poor honey got it first, on Friday night no less, and so while he slept most of Saturday, Max, (my younger son) and I had a Lord of the Rings movie marathon and I worked on some quilts.

 This Candy Corn quilt was one that I had started about three Halloweens ago.  The pattern came as an insert in a quilting magazine and their idea was to have the quilt be a two sided table runner- one side with the candy corn motif, and the other with a slight modification to make Christmas trees.  Both were adorable.  But I knew me, so I didn't attempt to do two sides.  For one thing, I am still a novice at machine quilting and have never had the courage to try a wavy, roving pattern.  So far, I have stuck to straight lines.  There would be no way to line the trees and candy corn up.  I also thought it would be cute to make the Christmas trees in a single row, in a wall hanger instead.

I went right to work on the candy corn pattern and did finish the top for that Halloween.

Bot then another Halloween came and went, and it sat unfinished.  (In my defense, I did get married at the beginning the month, and was slightly preoccupied with all the wedding preparations)

Before Halloween 2013, I layered the top with batting and a backing and began machine quilting it.  I went around the candy corn pieces, and stitched-in-the-ditch around each of the center blocks.  For the border, I decided to do a diamond pattern.  It was moving along nicely, but when I didn't have the chance to finish it and have it out for Halloween, it was put aside to make time for the Thanksgiving and Christmas crafts that were soon to follow.

Until this weekend!  It was the first quilt I tackled during our marathon. I completed the diamond pattern and put the binding on.  (Then I moved on to two more quilts - you'll see them later this week.)

This Halloween I look forward to finding the perfect spot to hang it up.  With or without Max photo-bombing it.

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